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...cellular activity assay kit | Enzo Life Sciences BML-AK816...
来自 : 发布时间:2025-03-09
Zhu Y, Vidaurre O, Adula K, Kezunovic N, Wentling M, Huntley G, et al. Subcellular Distribution of HDAC1 in Neurotoxic Conditions Is Dependent on Serine Phosphorylation. J Neurosci. 2017;37:7547-7559 pubmed出版商 Skrzypski M, Khajavi N, Mergler S, Szczepankiewicz D, Ko????odziejski P, Metzke D, et al. TRPV6 channel modulates proliferation of insulin secreting INS-1E beta cell line. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2015;1853:3202-10 pubmed出版商 Boczek T, Ferenc B, Lisek M, Zylinska L. Regulation of GAP43/calmodulin complex formation via calcineurin-dependent mechanism in differentiated PC12 cells with altered PMCA isoforms composition. Mol Cell Biochem. 2015;407:251-62 pubmed出版商 Kecsk????s M, Jacobs G, Kerselaers S, Syam N, Menigoz A, Vangheluwe P, et al. The Ca(2+)-activated cation channel TRPM4 is a negative regulator of angiotensin II-induced cardiac hypertrophy. Basic Res Cardiol. 2015;110:43 pubmed出版商 Jain P, Lavorgna A, Sehgal M, Gao L, Ginwala R, Sagar D, et al. Myocyte enhancer factor (MEF)-2 plays essential roles in T-cell transformation associated with HTLV-1 infection by stabilizing complex between Tax and CREB. Retrovirology. 2015;12:23 pubmed出版商 Hemmings K, Daniel Z, Buttery P, Parr T, Brameld J. Differential effects of short-term ???? agonist and growth hormone treatments on expression of myosin heavy chain IIB and associated metabolic genes in sheep muscle. Animal. 2015;9:285-94 pubmed出版商 He H, Liu X, Lv L, Liang H, Leng B, Zhao D, et al. Calcineurin suppresses AMPK-dependent cytoprotective autophagy in cardiomyocytes under oxidative stress. Cell Death Dis. 2014;5:e997 pubmed出版商 Faccenda D, Tan C, Seraphim A, Duchen M, Campanella M. IF1 limits the apoptotic-signalling cascade by preventing mitochondrial remodelling. Cell Death Differ. 2013;20:686-97 pubmed出版商 Supanchart C, Thawanaphong S, Makeudom A, Bolscher J, Nazmi K, Kornak U, et al. The antimicrobial peptide, LL-37, inhibits in vitro osteoclastogenesis. J Dent Res. 2012;91:1071-7 pubmed出版商 Schweitzer G, Arias E, Cartee G. Sustained postexercise increases in AS160 Thr642 and Ser588 phosphorylation in skeletal muscle without sustained increases in kinase phosphorylation. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2012;113:1852-61 pubmed出版商 Rajapurohitam V, Izaddoustdar F, Martínez Abundis E, Karmazyn M. Leptin-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy reveals both calcium-dependent and calcium-independent/RhoA-dependent calcineurin activation and NFAT nuclear translocation. Cell Signal. 2012;24:2283-90 pubmed出版商 Karch C, Jeng A, Goate A. Calcium phosphatase calcineurin influences tau metabolism. Neurobiol Aging. 2013;34:374-86 pubmed出版商 Pubmed号列表: 22676853, 26384871, 26045175, 26043922, 25809782, 25213627, 24434520, 23348567, 22983411, 22917533产品描述: A complete colorimetric assay kit for measuring cellular calcineurin (PP2B) phosphatase activity. It employs a convenient 96-well plate format with all reagents necessary for measuring calcineurin (PP2B) phosphatase activity in tissue/cellular extracts PLUS human recombinant calcineurin is included as a positive control. The RII phosphopeptide substrate, supplied with this kit is the most efficient and selective peptide known for calcineurin. The detection of free-phosphate released is based on the classic malachite green assay.应用摘要: Colorimetric detection储存: -80°C更多信息或购买: Enzo Life Sciences 产品网页techserv-usa@enzolifesciences.comwww.enzolifesciences.com1-800-942-0430公司总部: 美国自2007年始,Enzo Life Sciences先后合并ALEXIS Biochemicals、BIOMOL International等公司,为生命科学研究各个领域提供更全面的试剂产品。比如,肿瘤、细胞死亡、表观遗传、基因组学、免疫学、神经科学、信号转导及泛素和蛋白酶体等领域研究,都可以在Enzo Life Sciences中找到相应抗体、酶、蛋白、小分子抑制剂、产品文库及检测kit等产品。

本文链接: http://enzo.immuno-online.com/view-77821.html

发布于 : 2025-03-09 阅读()
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